The 2019 Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS) Call for Abstracts opens 4 February 2019 and will close on 15 March 2019. This date WILL NOT be extended past 15 March, so please plan accordingly.
The MHSRS is the Department of Defense’s premier scientific meeting. It provides a collaborative environment for military medical care providers with deployment experience, DoD scientists, academia, and industry to meet and exchange information on the unique medical needs of the Warfighter.
The theme for the 2019 MHSRS is "Research for Readiness". There are four primary presentation focus areas: Warfighter Medical Readiness, Expeditionary Medicine, Warfighter Performance, and Return to Duty.
Submit abstracts through the MHSRS website (https://mhsrs.amedd.army.mil/). Please review the scientific Breakout Session descriptions before you access the abstract application form to make the submission process easier.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION IF YOU WILL BE SUBMITTING A 2019 ABSTRACT - You may need to re-register on the MHSRS site.
MEDCOM and DHA CAC Users: Signing in with a CAC is the most secure/desirable method since it uses two-factor authentication. For these individuals, your DoD CAC should allow access and you therefore should not have to register for a member account. Please try to go directly to the portal here: https://mhsrs.amedd.army.mil/conference/ (Choose -- AMED CAC --). IF you have trouble accessing with CAC, please register for a member account.
All Others (non MEDCOM and DHA military and civilian) must register for a new member account: Go to https://mhsrs.amedd.army.mil/SitePages/Register.aspx for a username and password before they will be able to access the abstract submission site.
The location and date of the 2019 MHSRS are still to be determined. This information will be posted on the MHSRS website and communicated via a mass e-mail to those registered on the MHSRS website when it is available.