We are pleased to announce the launch of TRACK-TBI Longitudinal (TRACK-TBI LONG) in May 2019, funded through a competitive grant from the National Football League Scientific Advisory Board. TRACK-TBI LONG will further advance our understanding of TBI’s natural history by extending follow-up of the original TRACK-TBI cohort by an additional year. This follow-up effort to the TRACK-TBI study aims to collect longer term data on the outcomes of those original TRACK-TBI participants who experienced a brain injury. To that end, we will be re-contacting all TRACK-TBI participants (enrolled from February 2014-August 2018) to gather additional data on participants who are two or more years out from their date of injury. We plan to follow up with at least one, and up to three ~2-hour annual phone calls with the potential to bring participants back for in-person research visits at a future date. The phone call will include surveys and questions that are very similar to what is asked during the current TRACK-TBI 3 month phone call with some small modifications.